You Need an SSL Certificate for your Website Now
Does your current web hosting plan allow you to enable HTTPS?
In the Introduction to WordPress Security article in the Wordfence Learning Center, they explain why it is crucial to only log into your website via a secure connection. If you aren’t currently logging into your site securely, drop everything you are doing and go fix that right away. The cost of an SSL certificate is minimal (for instance Go Daddy’s annual SSL certificate is about $70). An attacker who is listening to your network traffic can steal your username and password, taking control of your website if it is not secured. The cost of restoring your site after a hack is expensive and depending upon the severity, could cost thousands given downtime, reinstalling software, restoring backup, etc.
There are additional benefits to running https. It will improve your SEO rankings and it will protect any other data you are capturing via forms and payment screens on the rest of your site.
We strongly recommend that you run an https-only website. If you need help purchasing and implementing an SSL certificate for your site, please email us at